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General – Cosmetic – Implants

Ponsonby Dental Orthodontics

First Orthodontic Consultation is FREE

Orthodontic is a specialised branch in dentistry which treat malaligned teeth and jaws. At Ponsonby Dental Boutique, we believe in improving your smile to boost your confidence. Explore your orthodontic options in the first consultation which is offered for FREE ! We do a comprehensive orthodontic examination and discuss the treatment options with photographs.

FREE Consultation

Orthodontics for Children

In some situations, we prefer to treat children as early as the orthodontic problem is detected.

Early orthodontic treatments not only help your child to have a better smile with confidence but also it improves the quality of life.

For example, children who suffer from sleep apnea could be treated with special orthodontic appliances. Those who grind their teeth, may need a night guard to protect the teeth from wearing.

For Childern

Orthodontics for Adults

There is no age limit to get your smile improved with orthodontic treatments. With modern orthodontics, we can customize your orthodontic treatment plan to that which best fits your life style and budget.

For Adults

Removable Orthodontics

These appliances (plates) are commonly used for young children to correct cross bites, expanding jaws to make room for adult teeth and maintaining spaces for adult teeth if baby teeth have fallen out at very early ages.


Braces / Fixed Orthodontics

Most of the children and adults need braces to treat their malaligned teeth and jaws. We are able to provide you with either metal or ceramic braces depending on your requirements.

Braces and Fixed

Invisalign / Clear Aligners

If you are keen to have a minimal visibility of the orthodontic appliance while being treated, invisalign is the best choice for you. You will be introduced a series of custom made clear plastic plates to wear during the treatment. They have minimal appearance and are very hygienic as they can be removed while brushing and eating.


After Care

As teeth have a memory, they tend to go back to their original position. You will be introduced to either fixed or removable retainers to make sure your teeth are held in their newly moved position for recommended period of time.

After Care

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

its’ not about business,
it’s about ‘YOU’!

Call us for inquiry : Monday to Friday : 9 am – 5 pm

+1 (800) 555 555

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Meet Our Team of Experts

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jeremy courtney

Founder & CEO

jeremy courtney
terry g. watson

Senior Executive

terry g. watson
agnes southern

Senior Executive

agnes southern
mark s. parsley

Senior Executive

mark s. parsley

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

achieve your goals with purpose & strategy

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Consulting 85%
Management 76%
Brainstorming 92%

helping your business practically

why choose avada business

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  • Awards won with business intelligence
  • Our mission is to grow your business faster
  • Global presence makes us top rated company

Supported Businesses
Funds Granted Through Govt. Aid
Turnkey Projects

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

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